Keynote: Winning Market Share
If we look at the world’s most successful B2B businesses – i.e., Microsoft, IBM, Well Fargo, and UPS – there’s one extremely interesting commonality: They target end consumers, not to the businesses they are ultimately prospecting.

Why Selling Candy Bars is Nothing Like Selling Houses
I see a lot of companies that are selling $100,000 items like candy bars and it just doesn't work. That's not how people buy things that are more expensive or more “risky”.

Win Attention Today: Cross-Pollinate One Audience to Another
You can get the attention in places where you have fun, where you're passionate, and where you love to produce content. Every now and then, just ask your audience if they're interested in some other stuff that you do.

Why Keeping your “Secret Sauce” a Secret is a Bad Idea
Whoever delivers the most value in the earliest stages of the buying process wins the attention. That means sharing information that is valuable

Tips for Writing Stuff that Doesn’t Suck
We've been doing some pretty fun consulting work lately. We're working with a number of groups in their early stages of defining or redefining their brand and their company's market position. They're universally coming to realize the importance of developing content on their website, on their relevant social platforms, and in running marketing campaigns.

Biggest advertising mistake that golf clubs are making
It's astonishing to hear how romantic people can be about "what they've always done". I believe it's an enormous vulnerability... and at the same time a HUGE opportunity for orgs that get it. Those that aren't building brand risk slipping toward irrelevance.

Play golf and listen to our Web Design Phoenix Podcast
Golf is one of our passions. It gives us time to relax get creative and connect to nature. Listen to our podcast on how to get better at golf and learn something about business on the side.

5 Tips for a Great FAQ Page…and why bother?
There's a ton of business upside that revolves around a really solid FAQ page. Here are some reasons to dedicate the time, and how to build one that shines.

What’s a Cheetah’s Top Running Speed?
Matt Cutts is Google's leading SEO guy, and he explains in brilliant fashion, and in layman's terms how Google's search engine prioritizes website for search engine ranking.

What’s the difference between SEO and Inbound Marketing?
Search engine optimization is a strategy used in the ATTRACT stage of inbound marketing. There are many other tools to deliver marketing results online.