Step 1 of 17

Welcome Back!

We're really looking forward to (re)launching your custom fundraising website in no time. We just need to get some details in order, and gather the content we need to build you the best site possible.

Just a few notes before you begin...

• You'll have the ability to select items which have changed from last year's campaign. All the other stuff will remain the same.

• This form represents all the info we need from you to get things started. Some fields are mandatory because we simply can't set things up without certain elements.

• If lots of things have changed, like your Tax ID, email address associated with your foundation PayPal account, text for your pages, images, logos, etc. You may want to gather some of this stuff if you haven't already.

• If you get stuck or need to step away, don't sweat it. Just hit that "Save and Continue Later" button and come back when you're ready.

• Lastly, I recommend keeping things simple. You can always add to it later, change things up, and continually improve.

Hope you enjoy the process...reach out any time if you have questions!