Product Categorization & Navigation

  • Fluid search results rather than rigid categorization
  • Unlimited product configurations
  • Customers find what they need immediately
  • Frustrated searches lead to lost customers
  • Intuitive search filters
  • Unlimited products

Organizing your product lines and various product configurations warrants careful consideration. Our e-commerce experts understand customer behavior as well as capabilities in website development and programming. We offer included consulting services with the aim of arranging your products most efficiently and effectively, driving sales.

Web Design Phoenix’s approach to e-commerce is perhaps a bit unique in that product categorization no longer needs to be “straight line” with rigid drop down menus and categories. Rather, the goal is to usher the user to the appropriate products as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our product navigation structure and configuration filters allow for a more fluid delivery of searched items.

For example, perhaps someone wants to find all items in size medium, or everything in the color blue…or both. Alternatively, they may prefer to search by designer, price, collar style, sleeve style, material, country of origin, or any other feature. Our website allow for unlimited product features and customize search results.

All customers are different and their reasons for buying may be unique as well. Modern e-commerce websites need to be developed to accommodate these unique approaches in the most efficient means possible…or they’ll go somewhere else. We work with our clients on developing search and navigation structures best suited for their business.

More on E-Commerce